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Executive Revitalise

A programme of intense personal coaching designed to help executives reset a career path and maintain progress towards new goals.

In response to a phenomenon highlighted by many clients, International Class has developed Executive Revitalise If individuals find themselves having been with an organisation for several years, sometimes over a decade,unsure of where their next career move is then this course is ideal. In the 1980s this used to be described as "executive burnout". The normal result of this "burnout" was the departure of the individual from the firm.

Today enlightened employers recognise that there is a considerable embedded value in these individuals and if possible it would be good to give them a new boost and refocus their efforts productively.

The symptoms of such executives often manifest themselves as a failure in communications both in one-to-one relationships with their peers, superiors and subordinates and in general communication skills. This is where Executive Revitalise comes in. Over a relatively short space of time our skilled consultants can help the individual find once again a sense of direction that satisfies them and meets with the company's objectives.

Experience shows that four out of five such executives can be refocused in this way. The remainder however decide having been through the Executive Revitalise programme that it is time for them to move on. Either way the process is positive both for the employer and the individual.

Clearly this programme is very individually tailored and no two cases are the same. We are happy to discuss particular instances in detail on a no obligation basis.


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